Corporate Address:
14 Cypress Gardens
Stittsville, ON K1S 1W5
Phone: 613-963-0145
It is never too late to do the right thing!
Corporate Address:
14 Cypress Gardens
Stittsville, ON K1S 1W5
Phone: 613-963-0145
In a clear sign of the growing momentum and community determination to save the South March Highlands, following the ward meeting on March 26th, the SMH-CRC Inc. organized a strategic planning meeting. The meeting was held on April 3rd 2012 and in addition to SMH-CRC members, several representatives from Ottawa-level environmental groups were in attendance [...]
As outlined in a recent news article the South March Highlands is a finalist candidate in the Canadian Urban Institute ”Great Places in Canada” contest. After months of nominating and voting for their favourite locations, Canadians today learned whether their top pick made it to the final round. More than 200,000 votes were received in the second Great Places in Canada contest. From [...]
Building upon community concerns about bad planning expressed at the January 26th, 2012 Kanata North Ward meeting, the most recent Ward meeting, held on March 26th, 2012, saw over 200 local residents and many members of the SMH-CRC attended. The meeting focused on municipal planning and environmental issues related to the South March Highlands. The [...]
Ottawa - The opening session of the Phase 2A OMB hearing into the Ottawa urban boundary expansion took place on Monday January 30th, 2012. At the opening session the details of a last minute settlement between the City of Ottawa and Greenspace Alliance were announced by city lawyer Tim Marc and Greenspace Alliance representative Erwin [...]
Since the summer of 2011, members of SMH-CRC Inc. have taken over 200 elementary aged school children from Kanata North and Pinecrest area schools into the Beaver Pond Forest and areas near the Kizell Pond. These field trips allow school children to see the beauty and power of mother nature first hand. As children living in an [...]
On November 17th, 2011 the Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association (KBCA) presented “Watergate” a public forum on water, stormwater and wastewater management issues in Ottawa’s West End. Glen Cairn resident Faith Blacquiere, provided an excellent presentation outlining her perspectives on stormwater and wastewater management in Ottawa’s west end. Faith’s experience has been gained through researching the causes [...]
Citizens force city to release report After months of delays, the city of Ottawa has finally released the findings of a report into Phase 1 Existing Conditions for Shirley’s Brook & Watts Creek Water Diversion Environmental Assessment (EA) in Kanata. The assessment pertains to Urbandale and Richcraft’s controversial “KNL” housing development in Kanata.The City of [...]
In Septebmer 2011, Kizell Pond was designated as a PSW by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. In recent conversations with the area Counsellor, Marianne Wilkinson we have been informed that the City of Ottawa council will be moving to recognized the PSW designation of Kizell Pond in the city’s Official Plan ”in the near future”. [...]
LOCAL ARTISTS STEP UP TO BENEFIT THE SOUTH MARCH HIGHLANDS A group of local artists have donated works of art to an online auction benefitting the efforts to save the South March Highlands. The proceeds were divided between the artists and the South March Highlands – Carp River Conservation Inc., the lead organization in the [...]
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