You know we’ve been working very hard to protect the forests and wetlands and species-at-risk in the South March Highlands. We appreciate tremendously that you too have been engaged with this cause, writing letters, signing petitions and spreading the word to build up support.
We need to ask you to do one more thing, as soon as possible. We urgently need your financial contribution to help us keep going.
We’ve earned the support of notable Canadians such as David Suzuki, Algonquin Elder William Commanda, internationally-respected botanist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger, and Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May.
We’ve kept up the pressure on City Hall and our scrutiny lead staff to abandon a major re-alignment of Shirley’s Brook, and to undertake an Environmental Assessment for Urbandale’s planned diversion of stormwater from Shirley’s Brook. The City has also started a long overdue population study for the endangered Blanding’s Turtle in the area.
Now we need to step up the campaign, spread the word further, and convince decision-makers that a bold vision for the South March Highlands is the best way forward, for everyone.
And we urgently need your donation to help us see this through.
Please let us know that you support our work and want to help make an impact on this important issue, by making a contribution today.